Insights into Fasciola hepatica Juveniles: Crossing the Fasciolosis Rubicon



Control strategies against fasciolosis have been generally directed towards the adult form of parasite, even though its definitive location in host bile ducts represents a niche that seems to be poorly accessible immunity.Despite importance during course infection, research studies aimed at unraveling host–parasite crosstalk early stages are still scarce.We review most recent available data on Fasciola hepatica juveniles relation their biology, metabolism, and antigenic repertoire, key functions parasite migration immune evasion, potential as therapeutic targets.We highlight latest developments vitro models study host–juvenile interface, new -omics approaches tools for identifying effective fasciolosis. Unraveling molecular interactions governing first contact between tissues is paramount development control parasites. In fasciolosis, foodborne trematodiasis caused mainly by hepatica, these occur juvenile worm intestinal wall few hours after ingestion metacercariae, infectious stage parasite. However, events scarce majority focused worm. Here, we current knowledge biology biochemistry F. relationships with identify needs gaps covered future. Fasciolosis zoonotic disease (see Glossary) trematodes genus Fasciola, which geographically widespread species [1.Mehmood K. et al.A epidemiology, global prevalence economical losses ruminants.Microb. Pathog. 2017; 109: 253-262Crossref PubMed Scopus (118) Google Scholar]. Also known liver fluke, maintained an indirect life cycle invertebrate (snails) vertebrate (mainly large-size herbivorous commonly raised livestock) (Figure 1). Animal morbidity mortality due stockbreeding worldwide endemic areas. Adult worms cause chronic resulting reduction several production parameters, including weight, wool, milk, among others. 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عنوان ژورنال: Trends in Parasitology

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['1471-5007', '1471-4922']